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Your child will sometimes get paint, food or glue on their clothes, so please send them in practical clothes, NOT best clothes!

We ask you to provide:

  • A waterproof coat for outdoor play and Wellies

  • In warm weather –  sun hat and sun cream

  • A spare set of clothes

  • Lots of spare underwear if your child is toilet training

Please ensure that all clothes are labelled with your child’s name. We also ask parents to provide any baby formula milk needed in sterilised and labelled food/milk pots and also bring sterilised empty bottles clearly labelled with your child's name, on a daily basis.

Piglet in the wind
piglet cold
piglet wearing a scarf
Pooh wearing a hat and scarf
piglet with blowing leaves
tree with all the winne-the-pooh characters image for background
tree with all the winne-the-pooh characters image for background
tree with all the winne-the-pooh characters image for background
tree image for background
tree with all the winne-the-pooh characters image for background

© 2021 First Steps Nursery.

Proudly created by Jessica Green.

flower image for background
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