Tinies room for children aged 12 Months - 24 Months ( Approximately )
The staff in Tinies ensures a happy and caring environment, that encourages secure foundations to be laid for your child’s development.
Within our Tinies room your child will have the opportunity to explore a range of different sensory activities using messy play such as sand, water, silk, rice, wet pasta, play dough, baked bean play, angel delight play, and bubbles etc. Through these activities children build positive relationships with the other children and their key person.
The staff in the Tinies room provide a stimulating environment that engages children’s concentration and develops learning through play. The staff provide the children with a variety of fun and stimulating activities ranging from painting, music, messy play, outdoor fun and much more. A wide variety of toys are provided for the children such as musical instruments, books, small world people and houses, cars, role play equipment, noisy electronic toys, building blocks etc
We ask that any formula milk/expressed breast milk required is provided daily by parents/guardians in labelled baby bottles. Please ensure that your baby’s formula is measured out into sterilised milk tubs and empty sterilised bottles are provided for your child. The staff within the room will then work with you to discuss your child’s feeding arrangements. We also support parents who are breastfeeding and have been awarded the breastfeeding friendly business award.
*Cows milk is provided as a drink when the children have morning and afternoon snack.
We invite you to take a virtual walk through our Tinies room. This video will enable you to see all the exciting and creative environments your children will be exploring.