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The children in our Reception and Kindergarten classrooms love the bright, warm, welcoming atmosphere. The classroom is laid out into different areas which echo the seven areas of learning identified in the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. It promotes teaching and learning to ensure children’s ‘school readiness’ and gives children the broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for good future progress through school and life. We believe that all children should experience the same opportunities and that they have an entitlement to a broad education that equips them with skills for life. We believe that praise is important and that every child should feel valued.


At Green Meadow Independent School we believe that every child deserves the best possible start in life. High quality early learning provides the foundation children need to make the most of their abilities and talents as they begin to grow up. We strive to offer support that enables them to fulfil

their potential.


We aim to impart the shared values of respect for others and our environment, personal responsibility, tolerance and understanding of right and wrong, so that our pupils may become valued members of the community in which they live.


We recognise the uniqueness of each child and value every child’s interests. We aim to deliver learning through a combination of adult led and child initiated play, based on prior experiences and interests of the children. We teach children how to make considered choices in their learning and most importantly, the skills needed to be independent, lifelong learners. We value autonomous learning, so that the children reach their full potential while at the same time setting high attainment targets and making behavioural expectations clear and consistent. We aim to support children’s educational needs and to develop a working partnership between home and school to enable the children to develop in confidence and increasing independence.



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tree with all the winne-the-pooh characters image for background
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tree with all the winne-the-pooh characters image for background

© 2021 First Steps Nursery.

Proudly created by Jessica Green.

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