Anti Bullying week
The whole school took part in different activities about how to be a good person and a kind friend. Throughout the week the children learnt sign language and put together a video of
‘you’ve got a friend in me’
Christmas crafts at Elmridge Court
At Christmas time the children went to visit the residents at Elmridge Court. The children took over mince pies and crated Christmas calendars with the men and women for them to keep.

Our School buddy
The children voted for who they would like from Key Stage 2 to be the school buddy. The school buddy is someone the children can go to help them if they are unsure or unhappy.
Roald Dahl Day 2019
On Friday13th September the children and teachers celebrated Roald Dahl’s birthday. Everyone had a fun day joining in with themed activities and dressing up has their favourite Roald Dahl characters.