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A working partnership between parents and First Steps Nursery is viewed as essential in providing for the needs of individual children. Communication with parents is therefore given a high priority when considering nursery policies and procedures. The nursery keeps parents informed in the following ways:

  • Notice boards throughout the nursery

  • Staff identification board

  • First Steps Nursery welcome leaflet

  • Verbal communication

  • Newsletters

  • Class Dojo app


We also welcome feedback both verbally and via questionnaires. For more serious concerns we have a Complaints Policy and Safeguarding Children Policy.

All First Steps Nursery Policies and Procedures are accessible to parents. Full policies will always be made available for parents who may wish to view them. However, we understand that often parents just want to know the main features of the policy and who to go to if they need more information. In order to meet specific requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage and Childcare Register we must ensure that information is exchanged with parents regarding our Safeguarding Children Policy, Complaints Policy and the procedures which are followed if a child goes missing. Extracts of each of the policies are listed below. If you require any further information please contact a member of management and request a copy of the document concerned.




It is the aim of the Safeguarding Children Policy for all staff to be aware of the signs and symptoms of abuse and to follow the procedures and to support the 5 outcomes of Every Child Matters. First Steps Nursery will work with children, parents and the community to ensure the safety of children and to give them the best start in life. We create, in our nursery, an environment in which children are safe from abuse and in which any suspicion of abuse is promptly and appropriately responded to. Staff at First Steps Nursery are committed to safeguarding children’s welfare whilst meeting their individual needs. Staff accept and recognise their responsibility and role in safeguarding children. We have a duty to protect others from harm, especially the most vulnerable and particularly the children in our care. Staff follow the procedures set in place by Wigan Safeguarding Children Board.

All staff who work at First Steps Nursery undergo and enhanced disclosure (DBS), no unvetted adults will be left unsupervised with children. Any allegations against a member of staff will be treated seriously and investigated immediately. The management team will take appropriate action as quickly as possible. Any allegations made against staff will be reported to OFSTED and the Designated Officer (Allegations) at Wigan and they will be kept informed of the outcomes of any investigations. We take safeguarding children issues very seriously. It should be therefore noted that action would be taken against any person making allegations that are found to be malicious, mischievous or vexatious.

The Safeguarding Officers are:

  • Mrs. Jacqueline Grimshaw

  • Mrs. Amy Watson

For the full Safeguarding Children Policy please see the main policy files in nursery.




First Steps Nursery encourages parents and carers to share any concerns they may have regarding the running of the nursery as soon as a problem or issue arises. In this respect First Steps Nursery believes that dealing with a complaint at an early stage is the best way to prevent a problem from escalating. First Steps Nursery believes that children and parents are entitled to expect courtesy and prompt, careful attention to their needs and wishes. We welcome suggestions on how to improve First Steps Nursery and will give prompt and serious attention to any concerns about the running of the First Steps Nursery. We anticipate that most concerns will be resolved quickly by an informal approach to the appropriate member of staff. If this does not achieve the desired result, we have a set of procedures for dealing with concerns.


First Steps Nursery would rather know about problems at an early stage so that it can investigate and put into place any necessary adjustments and improvements. Parents should be aware of the complaints procedure and urged to use it in order to try and minimise concerns escalating before they are resolved.


Stage 1


Any parent who is uneasy about an aspect of the nursery’s provision, talks over, first of all, his/her worries and anxieties with your child’s key person.


Stage 2


If this does not have a satisfactory outcome, or if the problem recurs, the parent moves to Stage 2 of the procedure by speaking to a member of the management team.


Stage 3


If this does not have a satisfactory outcome, or if the problem recurs, the parent moves to Stage 3 of the procedure by putting the concerns or complaint in writing to the manager. All complaints will be answered within 28 days. Most complaints should be able to be resolved informally at Stage 1 or at Stage 2. Complaints will then be entered onto a nursery complaint form.


Stage 4


The parent requests a meeting with the nursery proprietor/manager. An agreed written record of the discussion is made. All of the parties present at the meeting sign the record and receive a copy of it. This signed record signifies that the procedure has concluded. Parents can contact Ofsted directly if they have concerns about any aspect of registered child provision. Ofsted will consider and investigate all complaints received.


The contact number for Ofsted is 0845 640 4040.


Further details of the complaints procedure are available on request from management.


Lost Child Policy


Parents are encouraged to follow nursery procedures when dropping off and collecting children. This ensures that staff are fully aware of the children attending the session and allows for regular head counts to be taken. In the event of a child going missing the following procedure must be followed:

  • Inform the manager or person in charge;

  • The manager gathers all the staff and children together and mark those children against the register;

  • The manager or person in charge and a staff member will undertake an area search, this includes the entire building, cupboards etc and the immediate play areas outside of the building;

  • Should the child not be located, then the manager or person in charge will contact the police and parents/carers of the child immediately.

A report will be written up as soon as possible after the event and a copy sent to Ofsted with an action plan. 


For a complete list of policies we have in nursery please see the Policy Page. You are welcome to view these policies in full at any time.

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© 2021 First Steps Nursery.

Proudly created by Jessica Green.

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