Some families are entitled to 15 hours free childcare for 2 year olds for 38 weeks a year ( term time only ) At First Steps Nursery we can offer this as a free place where your child attends for either 3 mornings/afternoons or 1 and a half days for 38 weeks a year or we can offer an all year around place for a reduced price. Most families who are entitled to 2 year funding will receive a postcard to tell them they are entitled to this funding. Alternative please check via the following website : https://www.gov.uk/help-with-childcare-costs/free-childcare-2-year-olds or go to Free early education and childcare for 2 year olds (wigan.gov.uk) if you are a Wigan resident.
All children are entitled to 15 hours free childcare ( term time only ) the school term after they turn 3 years old. Some families are entitled to 30 hours free childcare ( term time only). If you are entitled to 30 hours funding you must reconfirm eligibility every 3 months on your account.
Am I eligible for 30 hours funding?
You, and any partner, must each expect to earn ( on average ) at least £131 per week ( equal to 16 hours at the National Minimum or Living Wage ). If you, or your partner, are on maternity, paternity or adoption leave, or you're unable to work because you are disabled or have caring responsibilities, you could still be eligible.
You can't get 30 hours free childcare if either you, or your partner, each individually expect to earn £100,000 or more.
For more help regarding childcare costs please visit these websites: